M Kashif Aziz Big blue button installation Installation Documentation https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/2.2/install.html Method Used https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bbb-install Connecting to server 1. command: ssh root@ password: elf7... Server linux/ubuntu Aug 25, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Odoo one2many & many2many tips One2many, Many2many fields odoo Case 1 Many2many relationship with same co-model on the same entity in Odoo. as we know the basic principal of many2many field is its create another table/model in data... Odoo Aug 25, 2023
M Kashif Aziz odoo server migration Server migration for odoo on older server stop odoo server and take the backup of your posgres if its filestore size is big else you can take backup with filestore as well. follow the blogs for instal... Aug 24, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Security objective CIA Triad security objectives of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality According to ISACA is preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure Including means for protecting pr... Aug 20, 2023
M Kashif Aziz vulnerability assessment Vulnerability assessment A vulnerability assessment is the testing process used to identify and assign severity levels to as many security defects as possible in a given timeframe. This process may in... Vulnerabilities cyber secuirty Aug 20, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Nmap tool Nmap is a network scanning tool—an open source Linux command-line tool—used for network exploration, host discovery, and security auditing . Installation in linux/ubunut sudo apt update sudo apt insta... Aug 20, 2023
M Kashif Aziz What is the Deep and Dark Web? Open web/Surface web is the “visible” surface layer. If we continue to visualize the entire web like an iceberg, the open web would be the top portion that’s above the water. From a statistical standp... Internet Search engine browser cyber secuirty Aug 20, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities Assets, Threats, and Vulnerabilities security risk planning consist of three main elements 1. assets 2. threats 3. vulnerabilities security team help companies related to the risk, Security teams are ... Vulnerabilities assets cyber secuirty threats Aug 18, 2023
Saqib Aziz Odoo database backup and restore using terminal In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of recovering Odoo databases using the command line interface, often referred to as the terminal. While recovering a database from the front end is a c... Odoo Server linux/ubuntu backup database Aug 18, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Gituhb Github Most popular version controlling tool List existing branches. git branch Switch to a different branch git checkout branch_name Merge changes from one branch into the current branch git merge br... gituhb successful branching version control Aug 16, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Rsync usage in linux rsync stands for "remote synchronization." It is a powerful and versatile command-line utility used for synchronizing files and directories between two locations, either on the same system or between ... Server linux/ubuntu data data transfer migration Aug 16, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Linux/Ubuntu cheat sheet Linux/ubunut Cheat sheet To create a new user in a Linux-based operating system, you can use the adduser or useradd command. Here are the basic commands to create a new user: Using adduser (more user-... Aug 16, 2023