odoo server migration

Server migration for odoo

on older server stop odoo server and take the backup of your posgres if its filestore size is big else you can take backup with filestore as well.

follow the blogs for installation of odoo on new server and we expect you have installed and configure odoo.

you can follow our blog for odoo installation


but there is important point all the thing you perform or create directory file should be with related user, suppose in our case its odoo15 user, so always check file/directory permission or ownership.

suppose you got your db postgres file on local, now you want to send it to new server

rsync -chavzP -e "ssh -i file -p 5900" /home/user/Downloads/aht_2023-08-23_04_38_02.dump kashif@

for db restoration follow our blogĀ 


after restoring db on another server you have to configure nginx , ssl as well

pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

This command lists all installed Python packages and their versions.

to avoid the issues, recommended use same version of the packages because if you use latest or older version it may cause issues.

after restoring db and filestore, now make sure your odoo sever is up and you can configure nginx with your dns etc.

but during migration use same nginx file configuration, odoo configuration as use in older server of odoo, just change the path, bcz you may miss something.

that's all

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